Employers prefer crisp-looking resumes that get to the point. By using the example on this page as a template, you’ll improve both the style and the substance your resume.
Layout: Add interest and clarity by using bullets, indents and varying font styles (such as bold and italic letters). Avoid using unconventional fonts or adding photos or graphics.
Length: The general rule is: one page for early-career (entry level to 5-10 years); two pages for mid-career candidates.
Job Data: Provide the reader with relevant detail about your past and present employers, such as product information, size and physical location.
Measurables: Quantify your job duties, reporting relationships and achievements with actual numbers.
Job and Education Dates: Make sure the dates are clear and without gaps. If you’re a mid- to late-career candidate, you can save space by lumping early-career jobs together.
Degree Credentials: Please be accurate—and honest. Misrepresenting your degree is unethical, and could result in consequences that are embarrassing—or worse. If a company is requiring a degree for a position, odds are very high that it will be verified during the offer process.
Choosing The Best Resume Format
Your resume can be arranged in one of two basic formats: Summary or Chronilogical
- The summary (or functional) resume distills your total work experience into major areas of expertise, and focuses the reader’s attention on your accumulated skills.
- The chronological resume presents your skills and accomplishments within the framework of your past employers. (Actually, it should be called a reverse chronological resume, since your last job should always appear first.)
Although the information you furnish the reader may essentially be the same, there’s a big difference in the way the two resumes are constructed, and the type of impact each will have. My experience has shown that the chronological resume brings the best results, since it’s the most explicit description of the quality and application of your skills within a specific time frame.
The summary resume, on the other hand, works well if you’ve changed jobs or careers often, and wish to downplay your work history and highlight your level of expertise. If a prospective hiring manager is specifically interested in a steady, progressively advancing employment history (as most are), then the summary resume will very likely work against you, since the format will seem confusing, and might arouse suspicions as to your potential for longevity.
As a recruiter, I prefer to see chronological resumes that reflect accurate dates of employment. Usually when I receive a summary format resume, I will go back to the candidate and ask them to clarify the dates of employment and job titles.
However, if the employer’s main concern is your technical or problem-solving ability, the summary resume will serve your needs just fine. Either way, you should always follow the guidelines mentioned earlier regarding content and appearance.
Crafting Your Resume “Objective”
Objectives are subjective… Some people like them, some people think they are a waste of space. If you do choose to use an objective, make sure it is relevant to the specific position that you are targeting.
Most employers find that a carefully worded statement of purpose will help them quickly evaluate your suitability for a given position. An objective statement can be particularly useful as a quick-screen device when viewed by the manager responsible for staffing several different types of positions. (“Let’s see; programmers in this pile, accountants in that pile…”)
While a stated objective gives you the advantage of targeting your employment goals, it can also work against you. A hiring manager lacking in imagination or who’s hard pressed for time will often overlook a resume with an objective that doesn’t conform to the exact specifications of a position opening. That means that if your objective reads “Vice President position with a progressive, growth-oriented company,” you may limit your options and not be considered for the job of regional manager for a struggling company in a mature market—a job you may enjoy and be well suited to.
If you’re pretty sure of the exact position you want in the field or industry you’re interested in, then state it in your objective. Otherwise, broaden your objective or leave it off the resume.
Amy Dunn