Resume Checklist
To help with your job search, Technology Recruiting Solutions has compiled a resume checklist for your reference.
1. Contact Information
- Name, address, and contact information are clear and easy to locate. It should list your full name. Even if you think your name is long/complicated, you need to list your full first name, your middle initial and your full last name. Do not use nicknames.
- If you are not comfortable listing your mailing address, you need to list the city and state where you live.
- Clearly mark your phone numbers (i.e. “cell,” “home,” and “work,” and which one is the best one to use to reach you during business hours.) All listed phone numbers should lead to a working voice mail with a professional outgoing message that is checked regularly.
- Is the e-mail address suitable to receive employment related emails? (Many companies monitor email, so it is probably best to list your personal email address)
- All advanced degrees and/ or industry certifications are listed (i.e. MBA)
2. Residency Status when applicable
- Are you a US Citizen, green card holder, EAD, TN, H1, F1, etc.
- This information should be at the top of your resume and easy to locate
3. Summary
- Headline shortly and directly summarizes type of position desired (i.e. Software Developer)
- Specific industry experience included ( i.e. healthcare, manufacturing, semiconductor)Tailor your resume to fit the job you want
- You should not have “one resume fits all jobs.”
- Your resume must be tailored for each position you are applying for. View the job requirements of the job you are applying for and make sure your resume lists how you meet/exceed each of these requirements.
4. Areas of Expertise/ Strengths/ Competencies
- Specific skills are mentioned (i.e. Project management, software development)
- Specific areas of knowledge mentioned (i.e. SAP, Sarbanes-Oxley)
5. Employer Information
- Dates and titles are verifiable with past employers
- City and state of past employers (or where you worked) noted with each positionCompanies use resumes to complete background checks. Please make sure dates and titles are accurate.
6. Professional History
- Career progression at specific companies clear- including dates, time, increased levels of responsibilities, and promotions
- Accurate description of job duties for each position (i.e. # of direct reports)
- For technical resumes, projects are described with specific languages/platforms mentioned (i.e. developed banking in application in C++/UNIX)
- Gaps in dates of employment or time out of the work force explained if necessary
- If working two positions concurrently (i.e. part time software consulting in addition to another position), clarify the reason for the overlap in dates
7. Accomplishments/Achievements
- Accomplishments and achievements included for each position
- Number of people involved and length of time to complete project are included
- Your contributions to the company are clearly explained
8. Awards
- All awards listed
- Qualifications of each award listed
- Presenting bodies listed (i.e. peers, customer, managers, etc.)
9. Technical / Computer Skills
- All skills listed
- Skill levels listed (i.e. 3 years of C#, 2 years of .net)
- For technical resumes- number of years with each language/platform is listed
10. Education
- Degrees completed including location and dates. List the institution, your actual degree (i.e. BS – Math), and the month and year you graduated. All of our client verify degrees.
- Coursework (without a completed degree) completed
- Major
- GPA (if recent graduate and above 3.5)
- Academic awards listed
11. Professional Training/ Certifications
- Certifications from professional associations (i.e. PMP, CISA, CISSP, MCSE, etc).
- In-house or off-site training given by employers
12. Professional Affiliations
- Membership in organizations
- Special duties and positions within the organization (i.e. Chair of Recruiting Committee)
13. Additional Information
- Multilingual abilities (i.e. fluent in Spanish)
- Affiliations and volunteer activities within the community
- Interesting personal activities (i.e. marathon training)
Additional Tips:
- Your resume should have white space. Don’t overcrowd with words.
- Your resume must be easy to visually scan. Hiring authorities glance at a resume in less than one minute to determine interest.
- Use bullet points instead of long paragraphs.
- Keep the format of your resume SIMPLE when transmitting the resume electronically. Most recruiting firms and companies use scanning technology to save resumes to their Applicant Tracking System (ATS). Too many fonts or graphics can cause your resume to reach hiring authorities with formatting errors.
- If you prefer a PDF format for your resume, it is recommended that you also have a version in Microsoft Word available as some systems do not accept PDF formats.